Where to Find Supplies for the Book
Most of the supplies needed for the book, "Cleaning and Caring for a Roughout Saddle The Saddle Salon Way," may be purchased from local stores, thrift stores, or online from a variety of sources. However, a few items could require more effort to locate, so I have listed here where you find them. There are also links to take you directly to the websites. Please understand that some of the links will take you off The Saddle Salon website and to a different website. These websites are not owned, controlled, or operated by The Saddle Salon.

Cement spatula a.k.a. spatula-and-spear wax carving tool
You can purchase this tool directly from The Saddle Salon by clicking here.

Preservation Solutions Saddle and Tack Conditioner (16 to 32 oz.)
Preservation Solutions Suede Saver (8 oz.)
A suede brush
All the above items may be purchased from:
Preservations Solutions LLC; Golden, Colorado
Website: https://www.preservation-solutions.com/collections/leather-care
Phone: (303) 642-3060
*Also, receive a 15% discount on their website when you use
coupon code: SADDLESALON15

Skidmore’s Leather Cream
Skidmore’s Leather Cream can be found at various tack stores or it can be directly purchased from:
Skidmore’s Fine Beeswax Products
P.O. Box 263
Port Townsend, WA 98368
Website: https://skidmores.com/product/leather-cream
Toll-free USA: 800-785-2466
Phone: (360) 379-6385
Fax: (360) 385-2289

Two-inch Diameter Short Bristle Drill Brush.
Choose either the stiff (red) or medium (green) drill brush. They are made of nylon.
Do not use wire brushes or coated wire brushes. They are too harsh.
The drill brushes I use can be purchased from:
Drill Brush Power Scrubber by Useful Products
Website: https://drillbrush.com/
For the stiff (red) short bristle drill brush:
For the medium (green) short bristle drill brush: https://drillbrush.com/products/2in-s-g-qc-db
Phone: (315) 527-1817
They can also be found on Amazon. However, make sure they are Drill Brush Power Scrubber made by Useful Products LLC.